[Bonusode] How to Manage Remote MSP Teams & Build a Strong Company Culture
In this bonusode, two previous guests on TubbTalk speak to each other. This fireside chat was recorded virtually in September 2022.
Emily Glass is the President and CEO of Syncro. They’re an all-in-one RMM, PSA and remote access tool that helps managed service providers - MSPs - run more profitable businesses.
Vera Tucci is the co-founder and CEO of T-Consulting, an MSP and COMIT. They provide co-managed IT and cybersecurity support to SMBs without an internal IT department and larger companies looking to improve their teams.
They talk about the challenges of running an IT business, and the after-effects of the covid pandemic. Emily and Vera discuss how to juggle work and home life, and why it’s important to be more authentically yourself at work.
Emily explains how she manages her team when they’re fully remote, and Vera talks about the difficulty of employing younger people who’ve never worked in person in an office. They both talk about the need to develop a strong company culture.
They also talk about the importance of communication – both externally with clients so they know what you’ll deliver and what to expect of your working relationship, but also internally with teams, especially if they’re inter-generational.
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