[11] Using Social Media to Win Local Business
In episdode 11 of TubbTalk, I talk with Chris Marr, a Social Media and Marketing expert.
Chris and I discuss:-
- Overcoming the common objection "We don't use Social Media because our customers don't use it"
- Why Social Media is worthwhile for local businesses
- The perils of not prioritising Social Media (or any type of Marketing) in Small Business
- Examples of Social Media opportunities for local businesses
- The mistake of using Social Media to sell to people
- Who your competition really is on Social Media
- Joining the dots - How the principles of off line networking successfully work in social networking
- How a small business can build a following on Social Media
- The power of Twitter lists
- Why should businesses seek out Twitter chats
- Details of The Content Marketing Academy event in Edinburgh
Mentioned in This Episode